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연봉 제언을 받았을 때 응대하는 요령 (english ed)

by 베헌이 2024. 8. 5. 20:01
연봉 제언 - 사진1
연봉 제언 - 사진1

한글 원문 링크 : https://blog.naver.com/best-headhunter/223559847742


이직 시장에서 연봉 협상을 수락하는 방법

들어가는 말 헤드헌터가 후보자를 추천하고 서류전형을 통과해서 면접을 다 보고나면 '연봉 협상'...



A word that goes in 

After the headhunter recommends candidates, passes the document screening process, and finishes the interview, they have to negotiate an annual salary. Most of the process involves asking the candidate about the current salary and the desired salary, and then making an annual salary proposal by considering the company's thoughts and the candidate's current situation. 


1. If you get a salary offer, the person who accepts it right away

When the "annual salary proposal" comes in, there are people who quickly accept the offer without delay. Or, once you counter-offer the first offer, the second offer comes in, and the same goes for those who accept it as soon as it arrives. Why are you in such a hurry to accept it??


At first, I was so happy when the "acceptance" came in this way quickly, and as soon as the acceptance came in, I was anxious because I could not quickly inform the hiring customer's human resources department of the good news. However, as there is a pile of "experience" in everything in the world, I kept trying to figure out that it wasn't.


2. The problem with accepting a salary offer too soon

Salary packaging is not an easy task. Pay, welfare, tax, finance, insurance, expenses, incentives, welfare benefits, payment deadlines, payment cycles, exchange rates, and so on. It's actually very difficult to convert all of those things into money because there's actually so much to consider. 


Some financial programmers say, "Those who can develop a 'pay' program can write any program." In fact, this pay package isn't that simple, as the middleware consultants in charge of tracking guarantees often bring up when explaining something is often the case with 'pay'.


And most people in the field are prone to nagging HR to let them go quickly because they want the person "who they got in the interview" to join their team quickly. It's also true that HR recruiters are under a lot of pressure to complete the annual salary negotiations within a certain period of time.


Moreover, if you fail to negotiate your salary and miss the final talent in the field and fail to send it to the team, it can be a burden of criticism and tabak consultation from the field.


However, you can't make it with too much annual salary because you have to pay for the annual salary package you made to the HR team leader and the CFO, so you have to think about whether they will pay for the annual salary package you made or reject it. Then you have to think about whether to raise the payment in this way or that way.


When a candidate quickly "accepts" no-delay, the human resources manager quickly becomes overjoyed and relieved, and soon doubts, "Did I sing too much? Am I beaten now?" (There's nothing easy about a person-to-person relationship anyway.)


3. Even if you like your salary, pay a little bit of "dum" and accept it.

With such an easy acceptance and admission, the process seems to be over, but it may not be. Because a experienced employee's salary is often a little higher than that of the same person who is currently employed (mostly because that will bring in great talent), giving HR staff the impression that "he seems to have overpaid" isn't very good for future pay either.  


And even if you're negotiating with a headhunter like mine in between, it doesn't help you that the proposed and accepted salary process is so easy and easy. "You're really hesitant, but the headhunter really tried hard to convince you that you finally got it in a few days." It's good for everyone to "accept" it in a couple of days or so after the hiring manager feels it.


It is good that the candidate does not give the impression that he/she has received enough annual salary with satisfaction, the headhunter is good because he/she can "put his/her credit forward," and the personnel manager is good because he/she can get satisfaction that the annual salary packaging he/she made was "very appropriate."


4. Conclusion

Two to three days seems most appropriate. If you feel you should accept the offer, then accept it two to three days after you receive the offer, and everyone will be happy.


But this is a 'note', you don't have to take it too seriously as you have to.


