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매너가 면접관을 만든다 (english ed)

by 베헌이 2024. 7. 31. 07:34
매너 면접관 - 사진1
매너 면접관 - 사진1

한글 원문 링크 : https://blog.naver.com/best-headhunter/223559845885


면접관이 면접 시 지켜야 하는 예의

들어가는 말 모든 일에는 다 '매너'가 있지만, 특히나 면접은 후보자의 인생이 걸린 중요한 일이...



A word that goes in 

Everything has a "manner," but it's very important to keep good manners with each other, especially because interviews are important for a candidate's life and are very tense that happens between people you meet for the first time that day. 

Most candidates want to look good, so they do their best and try to be "courtesy" to the point where they wonder if it's too much. Then what about "interviewers" on the contrary? Most have no problem. However, it can be very serious. 


1. an interviewer who expresses his thoughts in words

In the past, an interviewer said this to a candidate at an interview.


Interviewer > I'm not sure if you fit well with our team!!


Should I say this? Should I not say it? It may not be a problem in your opinion. However, it is your opinion. You can just write your assessment on the form. Why did you mention it to the candidate? This is a very immature job. 

Sometimes you don't like it when you're interviewed. However, it's a poor "manner, courtesy" to say this to someone who, after all, has passed the paperwork and has taken the time to favor his company. 

Did you purposely ask a pressure question to get a reaction? Probably not, because if you asked a pressure question that way, it would be simply unskilled.. 

Individuals may have different personalities, and people may all have different ways of dealing with the same thing. The important thing, however, is that you try to show off your superiority while hurting others by saying something hurtful to someone you rarely see when you break up with them, or "mindlessness" or "strong consciousness" that just comes to mind without thinking about the other person. 


2. Courtesy of a candidate you don't like (manner)

If you don't like someone like that, you can just think to yourself, and any formal interviews that are conducted at a predetermined time after that time can be returned with a polite smile and nice words to avoid being offended. This is what most interviewers do.   

"Suddhist" is not necessarily a chatterbox, a person who can't even keep that basic courtesy and can't push the words back into my mouth, and the words have to crawl out of my mouth. 

"Honest" doesn't mean "stab a person in the heart with a skewer," but rather "don't do it on purpose or lie to him." If you can't tell the difference, you shouldn't be seated in the interviewer's seat. 

I felt sorry for the candidate. Sometimes the client complains because he made a mistake at the interview, but sometimes I see the person hurt by the interviewer. 


3. Conclusion

In theory, it is said that interviews are an equal place for both parties to see each other. However, in practice, most interviewers are strong and candidates are weak. And, as everywhere, the "weak" is always uneasy and sensitive. Be careful not to send someone to the interviewer's position as a representative of your company who is unable to show "consideration" while sitting in the "strong" position. 

It's inevitable to stick together and fall apart, but it's not inevitable to keep each other's manners and manners. It's an essential part of life. The higher the interviewer, the better the manner you should be. The bigger and deeper the wound you get from someone.

