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입사하고자 하는 열망의 중요성 (english ed)

by 베헌이 2024. 7. 9. 08:45

입사하고자 하는 열망 - 사진1
입사하고자 하는 열망 - 사진1

한글 원문 링크 : https://blog.naver.com/best-headhunter/223558053225


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A word that goes on

When someone submits a resume to a company and begins the process of changing jobs, the HR team and the recruitment team leader look at the bottom of the candidate's backside, so what do the HR team and the recruitment team leader see most importantly??

Let me list some common ideas. "Education / career / experience / work ability / interpersonal skills / teamwork / humanity character / loyalty / family / will to work / passion / communication / foreign language ability / appearance / religion / award-winning experience / military life / physical strength / where to live / reputation / current salary, etc."

There are a lot of things, but the most important virtue for a candidate is 'will to join the company.' And the most important thing that the recruiter sees is also 'will to join the company.' And there are a few more important things to add. I'll write about that.


1. willingness, eagerness, and passion to join the company

This may not be important if the companies that are hiring now are top tier companies such as Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Motor, Kookmin Bank, Shinhan Bank, Naver, Kakao, Amazon, and Google. This is because all the candidates already have huge willingness and desire to join the company without having to check them.

But the "will" is more important than any other great thing about Second tier companies. If the "finalist" who gets a job after comparing a number of candidates here and there and then drops out and runs away, all the time, money and effort that has been spent will go up in smoke. It's all the more regrettable because it tramples on the "dreams" of the other candidates they applied with. And because HR and hiring managers have to do their jobs all over again, they may feel tired at the same time and miss the right time for talent in the field.

It's a problem if someone with this weak will to join the company. Because if you can't concentrate on your work and continue to snoop around other companies and take time off from time to time to interview, your work efficiency will decrease and the atmosphere will be affected in the entire team. Of course, I will try to do it secretly and pretend I won't, but everyone will quickly recognize me if I don't say anything because they are tactful.


1.1 "Will to join the company" from the candidate's point of view

However, from your point of view, this is not a "bad thing" at all. This is a "right" granted to the "candidate." Because you want to change jobs, you can apply for multiple jobs at the same time from a "no-knowing-where" position. And if you continue the interview until the end, you should check your judgment on the company and if you feel "not here" after completing the "annual salary negotiations," or if you pass multiple jobs at the same time, you should definitely give up on the job you prefer less. You can't force yourself to join a company you don't want to do because you're afraid of making the other person's position difficult.

So a weak "willingness" is not to blame, nor is it to blame at all. The recruiter must first examine his or her "willingness" before he or she can "passes" a candidate.


1.2 Questions and answers to check one's willingness to join the company

During an interview, a recruiter sometimes asks the candidate, "Do you have other companies that work with you?" This is a very "positive" sign because it means that the recruiter has a very high "interest" in the candidate. Second, there are questions like, "Do you know any friends at our company?" If "Yes," it can be a very positive answer. The most basic question is, "Why did you apply for our company?" and the question is actually to check the "willingness to join" mentioned above.

So how does the candidate respond when asked? If he or she is already running multiple locations at the same time. In that case, is it better to be honest with him that "a few more other locations are running at the same time"? Or lie that "there is no other place to run other than here"? The answer is to "honestly" tell the truth that it is, whatever it is.

If you say yes, the recruiter will work harder to get hold of the candidate, and if you say no, it could happen soon, so you'll be working harder and faster to get hold of him before that happens. So you don't have to " lie" while you're using your brain to get hold of him because any response will have the same consequences.

So, what should I do if a candidate is serious about wanting to join this company? The best way to do this is to actively voice your "will" and "passion, eagerness" during an interview. With all that has been said and prepared in advance, if the interviewer doesn't ask a question related to "will to join" at the end of the interview, say "I have something to say" and take the opportunity to speak with great enthusiasm about "what I have prepared" for you becomes a very positive "plus" factor.

One thing to note here is that 'passion, desperation' should be 'sincere'. If a candidate has a small willingness and passion for a job but does this as a 'tip' for a final pass and then keeps in touch with others afterward, it will be because 'personality' itself becomes a problem, regardless of 'work'.

Of course, these lies are always 'hidden', so it's hard to understand. However, if you do this and say 'give up' after passing the final pass, you can be considered a 'blacklist' by HR staff and head hunters in the industry, so it can be a difficult problem for you when you move again later.


1.3 Understanding of 'insurance' cases

It goes without saying that you are not willing to join a company and you are looking here and there while applying for no reason, but I actually understand that you are proceeding with "insurance." Passing is not likely to be easy where you really want to join, so you are "simultaneously" in case you fall from your preference.

In this case, most HR hiring managers prepare to "see that it's insurance support" as soon as they receive their resume, so they don't really experience any additional problems as they proceed. It's an over-spec resume. You can quickly recognize that you are not the right person to apply for our company, so you can either drop out of the document screening process, or you can have multiple candidates through the final interview without dropping them during the interview. When the over-pack (insurance) candidate gives up on the job, we have another candidate in advance who will offer you the final pass.

The problem is, if a human resources representative is "new" or has not had much experience, it can cause problems. However, it is not the "candidate"'s fault.


2. Ability to work

This is not an "important element" but rather a "basic element." This is because it makes no sense to hire someone who can't "work" because a company is supposed to "make money" from "work" anyway. Therefore, when writing a resume, it is recommended that you write as detailed a history sheet as possible. Especially in the case of "technical students," there are people who write a brief summary of their history, which is not a good thing. It is recommended that you write as detailed and detailed as possible so that the other person can't be bothered to read them all.

That said, you don't need to exaggerate and mix in some "exaggerations." Write them as they are. Because in experience, those candidates had the highest chance of passing. Interviewers are often much older than candidates and have far more professional experience. That's why, of course, no pass will be granted if they are caught because they are mixed with lies, hyperbole resumes or answers quickly.

You might think, "Is that so?" But it's easy to understand if you think about it like this. For example, let's say that an office worker who is about 30 years old is eating a hamburger at a McDonald's store, and three or four middle school students are talking about school, friends, studies and teachers at the table next to him. If those words are unintentionally heard next to him, the 30-year-old office worker will, without having to reflect on them, instantly notice, "What are those middle school students in now, what they're thinking, and what they're saying actually mean." That's what age and experience is all about. Interviews are all about.


3. Personality, character, and attitude

In fact, it is almost impossible for a good interviewer to understand the person's personality and character in just an hour's short interview. However, it is also problematic to give up the evaluation of "personality and character" in such a way that "you can't know unless you live together." Because company work is not done alone anyway, you should be able to at least socialize with people around you.

To do this, HR will first have a "talk to yourself" and then an open "review inquiry" and, if this is a very important position, a third time, a blind "review inquiry" will be conducted. Blind reputation inquiry means that you are hiding the fact that you are doing it from the candidate and secretly recognizing him or her. In the world of human resources, there are companies that specialize in doing so.


4. etc

Appearance - that is, in fact, one of the biggest influences for an interviewer, even if you don't want to admit it. Some people have aversion to the fact that they may be considered "appearance." You're right. You shouldn't judge someone by their appearance

However, because a senior's "ability" rating is "all 80s pass" rather than "94s higher than 93s," quite a few people have similar abilities, and as an additional factor, "appearance" has a significant impact. (The reason they're talking about "junior" is that few seniors make issues with it.)

Especially in today's world, a photo on your resume is preferable to a photo with a shape and smile as much as possible rather than a photo with a straight face. As for the background, any background with a good view is fine rather than a flat-panel board with only shades. This is because such a photo gives a brighter and more positive image.

In multiracial countries like the U.S., having a "photo" on one's resume, asking for "gender (male/female)" or "skin color" or "religion" is illegal because the "discrimination" issue is serious. Therefore, when applying to a foreign branch office, they sometimes ask for such limitations. However, in our country, we don't have one.


Residence - If your current residence is too far from the "company," that should not be overlooked. In the case of "alone," it may not be a big deal because it is a matter of relocation, but with "family" and family members involved, it may not be a "simple problem," which can make it look bad if the house is too far away. In fact, too long a commute can lead to a loss of concentration on the job..


Loyalty - This is what I see when I hire "executives" at working level or above, team leader level or above, but I don't think that's what I'm going to go into detail here.


5. Conclusion

When a candidate applies to a company, it is recommended that he or she proceed with a "will to join" approach that says, "If he or she is accepted to this position, he or she will stop proceeding immediately and join this position." If there are more than two such positions, proceed to several at the same time, and go to the first one among them. For the rest of the positions, please apologize politely as a statement of "Stop proceeding." It is not rude or wrong. And everyone understands that.

