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다이렉트 세일즈와 인다이렉트 세일즈 (english ed)

by 베헌이 2024. 8. 13. 07:18

세일즈 - 사진1
세일즈 - 사진1

한글 원문 링크 : https://blog.naver.com/best-headhunter/223559849525


직접 영업 경력이 있는 것과 없는 것의 차이

들어가는 말 한국 나이로 55세된 어느 후배 임원님께서 휴일에 전화를 하셨더라 "형님 저 이번에 모 ...



A word that goes in

A junior executive who is 55 years old in Korean age called on holiday and asked, "Brother, I'm thinking of changing my position to the sales representative of an account for a large company this time, what do you think?"


"But why are you asking me that?" I first thought. What did I say? There's not a lot of unusual things, but I don't think it's even normal anymore. Is it because I'm a headhunter? Anyway


This executive, who was a presales consultant who was partnering with me when I was working in sales a long time ago, thought, "Did I still look pretty good working in sales at the time?"


1. Differences between direct and indirect sales

He is now a salesperson. But rather than "direct sales, direct sales, sales that you sell directly to customers," he works in a relatively low proportion of "customer face" in "indirect sales." He is asking, "Why don't you go to "direct sales" and try "direct customer face-to-face sales" even if it's a little late


My answer was, "Do as you please!" Because I think he is already wise enough for himself. He has a lot of experience and knowledge. Then he said, "Do it" with the eyes of a headhunter. He is also good at English, so I think he is a very good 'Governor'. However, the weak experience in 'direct sales' is a weakness, so I think if you work hard for a few years, even though you are old, you will have a good opportunity.


He probably thought like this because he knows that, and he wanted to try it because he had the opportunity, but he probably thought that it would be right to ask somewhere before he gets a little drowsy.


2. Relationship between becoming a senior branch manager and 'direct sales experience'

There are still some people in the market with few exceptions, but in most cases, they need to have "direct sales" experience to challenge for a high-ranking position above the branch manager level. This is because "management" is closely related to "money," and "sales" is a place where you can directly experience the flow of "money." Moreover, "direct sales" means that you jump directly into the "field" because you directly experience the "market" of "customers," and such "field experience" is essential for high-ranking positions.


And to challenge such a high-ranking position, one of the other barriers to entry is English. This is not limited to foreign companies. Domestic companies do not like people who always have to rely on others for 'English' because, of course, there are things to deal with foreign affairs, whether it is 'import' or 'export, technology' when they reach a certain scale. This is because from the perspective of a foreign manager, it means that 'only two people can't talk'. Because 'business and money relations' always have a secret aspect.



I wish you all the best. Direct sales are difficult. Especially, there are too many inhumane aspects to go around trying to persuade people with "time limits." That's why not everyone can do it (because there are too many inhumane competitors). What's more, it's dangerous for money to come and go.


There is an old saying that business is 'to do it without liver and gallbladder'. When you go out of business, you should leave your liver and gallbladder at home. No matter how dirty the 'balance' is, you should not be twisted, so you have to always smile, so it can be hard. But since it's a challenge, I believe you will cheer up and do well. 


